Denver Water's Annual Summer Watering Rules will be in effect starting May 1 through October 1
Hydrant and Meter Clearance
Hydrant Rules and Regulations
Hydrant Rules and Regulations
According to the May 10 update from the National Integrated Drought Information System (NIDIS), 1.2% of Colorado is in an Exceptional Drought (D4), 5.8% is in an Extreme Drought (D3), 57.4% is in a Severe Drought (D2), 91.5% is in a Moderate Drought (D1), and 100% of the state is Abnormally Dry (D0).
Annual dust mitigation project to start next week.
Denver Water's Annual Summer Watering Rules will be in effect starting May 1 through October 1
South Platte Renew (SPR) is hosting the annual River Clean-Up event between April 11 and April 23.
Building off the success of last year’s virtual event, this year will be a hybrid of DIY (do-it-yourself) efforts throughout the two weeks, leading up to the clean-up of Centennial Park on Saturday, April 23, from 9 a.m. – noon.
Those samples and tests are part of a year-round effort monitored by the Environmental Protection Agency and the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment. Those agencies also require water providers to issue an annual report on water quality.
Who are we?
Bow Mar Water and Sanitation District is honored to provide water distribution and wastewater collection services to 296 residences in western Arapahoe and eastern Jefferson Counties. Labor, equipment, maintenance and operations are provided to Bow Mar Water and Sanitation by our partner district, Platte Canyon Water and Sanitation.